The best free translate discord bot! Supports up to 100+ languages! This discord bot is used to translate a channel in which people speak different languages and it will translate the language dynamically to another channel into English so you can understand what your members are talking about!
Channel translation Individual text translation 100+ Languages Free forever
/setchannel <Untranslated Channel> <Translate to Channel> <Language to><Language From>
Note if Language From is not filled in it will be auto set as AUTO detect language. Use /language
to get suffix.
/removechannel <Channel>
Will remove the given channel as a translate channel.
/translate <Text> <Language To> <Language From>
Note if Language From if not filled will be set to auto detect. Use /language
to get suffix.
Will send you a message with all the languages
/Style <Type>
Embed is the defaut, if text is selected the bot will translate channels and send with text format
Extra Commands:
/help I don't think I need to explain this
/ping Check latency
the bot uses the azure translate api as well as the nextcord library to run the bot.
the bot will send an embed on the chosen channel with the original message and translated message. the name will also link you to the original message.
Supported languages:
Supports 100+ Languages!
Check out link below to see the full list:
Support serverAuthors
- Language