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Server Manager


Server Manager provides servers with features such as, leveling, giveaways, member verification, join gate, invite tracking, event logging and moderation.

Most used commands:

/logchannel {channel} - Setup a channel where logs will be in posted. A post can be when someone creates a new channel, add roles to a member, etc...

/joinroles - See all the current roles that will be assigned to new members.

/addjoin [role] - Whenever a new member joins the server, all the join roles will be assigned to that member.

/mods - See all the roles that Server Manager considers as a moderator when using slash commands.

/addmod [role] - Add a new role to the moderator roles.

/verification setup {channel} - Setup a channel where new members can verify themself, this depends on the join roles. New members have to complete a captcha before granted full access to the server.


  • Leveling: The level system allows server members to gain experience while chatting in text channels and work their way up to the top of the leaderboard. Experience is awarded every certain amount of time and with it a server member can level up.
  • Giveaways: Giveaways allow certain server members to give away a particular item in the server. Other server members can then join the giveaway and have a chance to win the item.
  • Member Verification: Allow incoming members to verify themselves before being granted full access to the server. The bot will send a DM to the server member with a captcha that must be successfully resolved. After successful verification, join roles are assigned to the server member.
  • Join Gate: This feature provides protection to servers for accounts that do not comply with certain rules within the server. For example, this may be that certain words are not allowed a username.
  • Event Logging: This will log events such as the server information being updated, a channel being created/deleted or roles being assigned to a server member.
  • Invite Tracking: Invite tracking allows you to see who invited the server member. This can be used in a server raid to see which invitation was used.
  • Moderation: Use slash commands to moderate the server or server members such as ban, kick or timing out.





  • Dashboard
  • Paid features
  • Interactive buttons
  • Commands