2noob4u a bot that does it all including music: we have our dedicated music servers to provide best quality music possible Auto moderation:a powerful auto mod system to protect your server from nuke and raid We also have a auto scam system which prevents the spread of wrong info through your server if you enable it from bot or dashboard
Powerfullmoderationcommands:bot is equipped with many moderation commands including warn,ban,kick and many more We use discord timeout system as mute 2noob also have Powerfull purge system through which you can purge upto 100 message or specific messages of bots,a server member,message containing attachments and many more
Invite tracker:2noob4u bot also have a powerful invite tracker through which you can assign role to a member after certain number of invites
And much more in bot
- Dashboard
- Interactive buttons
- Prefix
- Commands