MoonBot is a Multipurpose Discord Bot that features Welcome images, moderation, fun commands, in-profile commands (Apps), user info, and more.
🔧 Commands Prefix
Our bot uses the slash command /
❔ How To use slash Commands
This is a video preview of how to use slash commands
🔍 Info Commands:
Command | Description | Options |
/avatar | Show user avatar with a link. | user , options:(User Avatar , User Guild Avatar ) |
/banner | show user banner with a link. | user |
/roles | show user roles. | user |
/user | show information about the user. | user |
/server | show information about the server. | none |
🛠️ Moderation Commands:
Command | Description | Options | Permission Needed |
/clear | Delete the specific amount of messages with options to select user only. | amount , target | Manage Messages |
/kick | kick a specific member with or without reason. | user , reason | Kick Members |
/ban | Ban a specific member with or without reason. | user , reason | Ban Members |
/lock | Disables @everyone from sending messages in a specific channel. | time , channel | Manage Channels |
/unlock | Enables @everyone to send messages in a specific channel. | channel | Manage Channels |
/timeout | Timeout member from the guild for a specific time, with or without reason. | user , time , reason | Timeout Members |
/welcome setup | Setup the server welcome logs channel. | channel , message , optional: role | Manage Server |
/welcome disable | Disable/delete the welcome logs channel. | none | Manage Server |
🎉 Fun commands:
Command | Description | Options |
/minesweeper | start minesweeper game. | rows , columns , mines |
/rps | Start rock paper scissors game. | opponent |
/flipcoin | Flip a coin to see your luck. | none |
🖥️ User Context Menu Commands:
Command | Description |
User Avatar | Show user avatar with a link. |
User Guild Avatar | Show user custom guild avatar with a link. |
User Banner | Show user banner with a link. |
User Profile | shows information about to user. |
User Roles | show user roles. |
A multipurpose bot that features Welcome images, moderation, fun commands, in-profile commands (Apps), user info, and much more!
- Documentation