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Booster Bot


Welcome to Booster Bot!

Hi! Booster Bot can manage, track & log the server boosts events for you in your server. From sending thankyou/greet message to assigning auto roles on server boost.. . To allowing boosters to maintain their own personal role (only name and color)

Getting Started

Setup is quite simple. You can start with bb help or bb guide command to get step by step instructions.

Mainly there are 3 things in setup

  • Make sure your System Channel is selected & Send Message on Server Boost is enabled (server settings -> overview)
  • bb help setup - For prefix, bot-manager, auto-role on boost & allowing boosters for personal role.
  • bb help greet - For thankyou message, channel, image, embeds and other customizations.

Please set log-channel (bb setup log-channel #logs), greet channel (bb greet channel #boosts), System Channel and make sure bot has all perms in respective channels for proper functioning.


You can start with .help setup to see what configurations you can edit & you want to set.

  • You can remove any config anytime by setting it's value to none ex : bb setup manager none will remove bot manager role.

Setup command will let you add/edit/remove bot settings like :

prefixbb setup prefix !It'll change prefix to !
managerbb setup manager @modsMods role will be able to manage bot settings
log-channelbb setup log-channel #bb-logsLogs changes related to boosts (role, boost add/remove) etc.
add-rolebb setup add-role @boostedBoosted role will be auto assigned on server boost. But will not be removed automatically if boost is removed.
custom-rolebb setup custom-role enableWill let boosters maintain their personal role. Role will be deleted if boost is removed by user


Setting up greet/thankyou message & channel is necessary if you want bot to send custom message.

  • Bot will send random message & image(if enabled) from a list of custom messages you'll provide one-by-one

To setup message, image, embeds use these commands :

messagebb greet message You're cool, hangout with us in #privateAdd this message to custom message list and if you want to reset list : bb greet message none
imagebb greet image https://mediafile-utl.gifSame as message, adds image to list and you can clear list by : bb greet image none
embedbb greet embed disableWill not send embed message & It'll ping the booster (Enabled by default)
thumbnailbb greet thumbnail serverWill show server icon as thumbnail if embed is enabled (set to user by default) You can also provide custom URL
statsbb greet stats disableWill not show total boosts & server level on greet message (Enabled my default)

For Server Boosters

You claim your custom role by bb role command (If enabled my server admins)

  • Your auto role (if assigned) will not be removed automatically on removing boost.
  • But your custom/personal role will be deleted once you remove your boost.

To maintain personal role :

claimbb role claim My RoleWill make a new role My Role and assign to booster
namebb role name My New RoleEdit role name to My New Role
colorbb role color ##18DEDEWill change role color to #18DEDE
deletebb role deleteDeletes your custom role! But don't worry, you can claim it back
  • Also, server boosters can see what roles others claimed by using bb rolelist command.
  • It'll show role, along with booster that role belongs to and when it was claimed.

User Commands

When It comes to normal server members, bot provides limited functionalities... but you can always provide your useful suggestions on for :

🔗 for

Here is list of commands users can access :

countbb countShow server boosts & level statistics
userinfobb userinfoShows your/mentioned user's boost statistics
helpbb helpShows help general embed / provided command's info (ex: bb help ping)
invitebb inviteSends useful invite links (bot's invite, support server invite) in embed.
  • More commands will be added for users to see boost stats analytics in more representative way.

Your suggestions are always welcomed :)

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