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EpicBot avatar



┏━▸「 General 」◂━┓

┣► e/help - Commands list.

┣► e/avatar - Get a user avatar.

┣► e/support - Get our support server link.

┣► e/invite - Bot invite link.

┣► e/user - Shows user info.

┣► e/ping - Bot ping.

┣► e/server - Server information.

┏━▸「 Moderation 」◂━┓

┣► e/kick - Kicks a user from the server.

┣► e/ban - Bans a user from the server.

┣► e/unban - Unban a user from the server

┣► e/mute - Mute a user from text channels.

┣► e/unmute - Unmute a user from text channels.

┣► e/lock - Disables everyone from sending messages in specific channel.

┣► e/unlock - Enables everyone to send messages in specific channel.

┣► e/poll - Create a poll embed with multi choices.

┣► e/roles - Shows server roles and members count.

┣► e/warn - Warns a user.

┣► e/warns - Get a list of warnings for a user.

┣► e/removewarn - Remove warnings from the server or user.

┣► e/autorole - Enable/disable autorole or add/remove a role.

┣► e/prefix - Change prefix in your server

┏━▸「 Music 」◂━┓

┣► e/play - Add a song to queue and play.

┣► e/skip - Skip the currently playing track.

┣► e/pause - Pause the currently playing track.

┣► e/resume - Resume the currently playing track.

┣► e/volume - Changes the current volume.

┣► e/nowplaying - Shows what song the bot is currently playing.

┣► e/queue - Display the queue of the current tracks in the playlist.

┣► e/loop - Loop/Repeat the queue.

┣► e/search - Searches YouTube for results to play.

┣► e/remove - Remove a song from the queue.

┣► e/playlist - Add a playlist to queue and play.

┣► e/stop - Stop the current song and clears the entire music queue.

┣► e/youtube - Watch YouTube videos Together in Voice Channel.






  • Prefix
  • Commands