Custom Command Bot
Custom Command is a highly customizable bot, as the name tells the server owner/admin can create his own command for their server. The Bot is really easy to use and no coding knowledge is required. The bot allows you to create custom commands and use functions like Give Role, send Embed, create Ticket, kick/ban, delete, add Reaction .....and much more
Use different trigger types ,which are listed below:
- Message
- Word Command
- Regex Command (wildcard)
- Reaction Command
- Interaction
- Slash Command
- Button
- Dropdown
- Member
- Join/leave
- Role add & remove
- Timed
- timed
- interval
Not yet convinced, take a look at the examples and let yourself be convinced!
Pls check our Docs
for tutorial, usage and explanation
This is just an example of what you can do with the bot. You can make almost everything with Custom Commands. Just check the docs for the functions and use it to make your own custom command. These examples are all made with custom commands and are fully customizable.
Reaction Role ((reaction),button,dropdown)
Timer Intervals
Member Count
Counting Channel
Slash Command
Mini Games
There are much more custom command to much to list actually.
Our Team has made a wide collection of commands, which you can easily clone with the template button. Furthermore there is a guide channel with many examples and codes
- Create CC's with over 360+ functions ,set trigger like on Message and create actions like send Embed or give Roles and more.
Use !!create command to create really fast custom commands alternative to dashboard
Other Features
Welcomer with live preview
- Customize the welcomer for your server and render previews in live ,you can even use cc functions.
Embed Creator
- Use the Embed Creator to create live Embeds and send them directly to your channel.
Slash Command Builder
- Use your votes to redeem premium perks and to start,configure & view your custom Bot.
- Explore in the docs overs 360 functions+ ,find explanation and ready to use examples.Very useful for beginners and experts.
Yt Video
- Dashboard
- Paid features
- Documentation
- Interactive buttons
- Prefix
- Language
- Commands