Anti NSFW deletes any NSFW images and gifs that the AI has identified as NSFW.
Anti NSFW uses an AI to determine if an image is NSFW and if it is confident enough that the image or gif sent is NSFW the bot deletes the sent message.
The /set-logs command allows you to set the logs channel Usage: /set-logs #channel
The bot will send a message there once a message has been deleted and also show you the images that the user has sent. (As long as the channel is marked as NSFW) If you want to see log messages you need to use this command as the bot doesn't send log messages into channels by default.
(The bot also needs permissions to send messages in that channel or else it won't be able to send log messages)
Required Permissions
These are required permissions that the bot needs to function:
- Send Messages
- Read Messages
- Manage Messages
- Embed Links
Optional Permissions
Those are permissions that enable the bot to do additional things:
- Manage Webhooks (So messages from webhooks can be filtered)
Please make sure the required permissions are granted when you invite the bot and try to use it.
Anti NSFW is currently available in these Languages:
- English (EN)
- German (DE)
- French (FR)
- Swedish (SV)
- Turkish (TR)
If you want to help us translate Anti NSFW then please visit the project on Crowdin. (Crowdin is a platform to submit translations)
If you don't see a language here that you can translate, request it on our support server.
- Documentation
- Language