To run a command in Chúng Tôi Đơn Giản Là Wibu | [WBW] - We Bare Wibu, use ac. command or
@Anime-chan#5980 command. For example, ac. prefix or @Anime-chan#5980 prefix.
To run a command in this DM, simply use command with no prefix.
Use help to view detailed information about a specific command.
Use help all to view a list of all commands, not just available ones.
Available commands in Chúng Tôi Đơn Giản Là Wibu | [WBW] - We Bare Wibu
avatar: Sends the avatar of a user.
bug: Found a bug?
cat: Summons a pretty cat
doggo: Summons a good boi
eightball: Ask a question to the MAGIC eightball. It will answer.
embedexchange: Change text to embed
info: Displays bot info.
invite: Displays bot invite link.
pat: Pat someone on the head.
ridea: Creates a random idea.
ratcliff: fun command
roast: Roast (fun GIF)
roll: Rolls a die (1 --> 6)
sad: when you sad, you can use this command
serverinfo: This is serverinfo.
ship: Ships two members
smug: Sends a smug face from an online database. Spooky!
totalcount: How many server and user use my bot.
userinfo: Lists out basic information about the mentioned user
who: Ship two random people in server (fun)
dm: Sends a message to the user you mention. - THIS COMMAND WILL BE DELETED LATER
dmall: Sends message provided to all members of the guild.
nickname: Quick change nickname for user
purge: Delete the last messages in all chats.
rolecolor: Changes the role color of the role you choose.
poll: Hold simple polls like the ones held by SimplePoll
codestat: Show code stats
helponchat: Help command on chat.
sponsor: Show sponsor information
weather: Get weather for a location
anime: Shows an anime.
character: Shows a character.
manga: Shows a manga.
myanimelist: Searches anime in AniList database
myanimelist2: Searches anime from myanimelist
help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.
prefix: Shows or sets the command prefix.
ping: Checks the bot's ping to the Discord server.