Get notified when your favourite manga releases a new Manga!
You will get this notification when a manga that has been added to the list releases a new Chapter!
You can also set ping roles so you or your server members can be pinged when a chapter releases!
/pingrole @role
Fast updates
MangaNotify has been designed to give the fastest possible notification. It updates every 2 minutes.
Easy to use
MangaNotify is not a complex but and only has 4 commands, which are very simple and understandable. But we are still searching for ideas so make sure to contact @ogmatrix on discord if you have a good idea.
How can I add my favourite website?
If we currently dont support your website, where you read the mangas, you can send a dm to @ogmatrix on discord and we can discuss more about it!
Up to 15 Mangas
You can add up to 15 Mangas to your notification list (for every guild). If you need more also feel free to contact @ogmatrix on discord.
Support serverAuthors
- Interactive buttons