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OPBot avatar



OPBot is a versatile and user-friendly bot for Discord servers, designed to make managing and interacting with your server easier and more enjoyable. With a wide range of commands and useful features, this bot is an indispensable tool for any Discord server.


/help - This command outputs a list of all available commands and their descriptions. If you're ever unsure about how to use the bot, this command will help you.

/serverinfo - This command allows you to view detailed information about the Discord server the bot is on. You'll receive information such as server name, member count, creation date, and more.

/userinfo - With this command, you can retrieve information about a specific user on the server. Simply provide the username or mention of the user, and the bot will display information such as their username, join date, and status.

/ping - This command shows the current latency of the bot on the server. This is especially useful for ensuring that the bot is operating smoothly and without any delays. We grow every day, so don't wait, we get better every time!



