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Captcha Bot



Captcha Bot

Captcha Bot is a server utility and security bot which prevents bots/automated accounts to get verified on your server without completing a randomly generated captcha.


Here is a basic step-by-step tutorial on how to set up Captcha Bot in your server.

  1. Invite the bot to your server, it must have MANAGE_ROLES to function.
  2. Run /setup to start the setup process, you must have the ADMINISTRATOR permission to do this.
  3. Provide a role ID of your server's verified role.
  4. Provide the channel ID of your notifications channel (or create one if you don't have one), this is where users with their DMs disabled will be notified about it!
  5. If the bot has accepted all of the values, setup will be completed and the bot will automatically challenge any new members joining!
  6. You have successfully set up Captcha Bot!

Common Errors

Here are some common errors that you might run into:

"I don't have permissions to give that role! Make sure I have MANAGE_ROLES and that I am above that role in the hierarchy!"

Just like the error message says, you need to give the bot MANAGE_ROLES and make sure the bot's role is above your verified role, here is an example of how to do it:

Role Example

"Unverified users can't see that channel!"

The notifications channel you provide must be accessible by unverified users, you can restrict access to the verified role since they don't need to see it.

Extra Information

  • If a user with locked DMs joins the server, the bot will ask him to open his DMs in the notifications channel, they will also have to run /verify to manually start the process.
  • Users have 1 minute to correctly answer the captcha, if they fail to respond they will have to manually start the process again.
  • If you want to change the values you set during setup, use the /configure command and give it the new value.
  • This bot was made by BigEd#3080, you can DM me for bug reports or questions.



