At first why should i use varion bot? Answer: Because varion is very easy to use, and we always working on it to adding new features, And it never asks for your personal information, with many command
There is all commands!
🔨 Moderation Keep your server safe with powerful moderation commands.
/kick | Kick a user from the discord server.
/ban | Ban a user from the discord server.
/unban | Unban a user from the discord server.
/lock | Lockdown the channel.
/slowmode | add slowmode to the channels.
/unlock | Lift a lockdown from a channel.
/clear | Clear a specific amount of messages from a target or channel.
/warnings | Fully complete warning system.
/antilink | Fully complete antilink system.
🎉 Advanced giveaway system with buttons, multiple functions and it is very easy to use!
/giveaway create | create a giveaway
/giveaway manage | delete, reroll, pause, unpause, end the giveaway
📈 Leveling Highly customizable leveling system that combines text experience, and voice soon!
/rank | Get info about your or someone’s rank with advanced can
🎮 Advanced minigames you can play it on our bot (discord-gamecord)
/fasttype | playing fasttype game
/findemoje | playing findemoje game
/2048 | playing 2048 game