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TearBot avatar



Tearbot is a fun and reliable bot to play with your friends. With hundreds of different roasts, jokes, and truth or dare updated daily, you will never get bored!

The new Anti-Repetition system prevents roasts, jokes, and truth or dares from repeating with 95% efficiency!

TearBot commands:

General commands:

T!help - Interactive help menu with the list of all commands.

Mean commands:

T!Roast - Roast your friend. Over a few hundred different roasts!
T!rudejoke - Generate a random inappropriate joke.
T!dadjoke - Generate a random dad joke.
T!fight - Attack your friend.

Friendly commands:

T!hug - Hug your friend.
(More to be added)

Fun commands:

T!truth - Truth or dare.
T!Dare - Truth or dare.
T!Paranoia - Generates a random paranoia question.
T!urban <...> - Check urban definition of any word/phrase! (WIP)

General commands:

T!say - Make tearbot say anything you desire
T!invite - Invite tearbot to your server
T!avatar - Get user avatar.

Admin commands:

T!serverinfo - Show all the most important info about your server.
T!createchannel - Creates an age restricted channel.



