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Venix avatar



General information:

Venix is a cool multipurpose bot with features like utility, autorole, antilink, verification, welcoming system, ticket system and so on! This is a recent project, So please expect a few bugs here and there which you can report using the bugreport command. It also has some slash commands support which is to be expanded on in the future.

Please review our terms of service using the tos command inbuilt in our bot, breaking the terms of service may result in unwanted blacklists and consequences.

The bot is made using Aoi.JS v5.5.5 and is currently running on very stable hosting. We chose this language because of flexibility to develop whilist being in a comfortable developing environment.

As this is still an early project, the bot will get updates almost everyday or every 1-2 days. Please make sure to report any bugs to improve the experience for others & everyone as we will work on the bug faster.

The bot also has the Venix™ antiCrash system to prevent any exploited bugs or any fatal glitches to affect the bot's usage in anyway. This makes it one of the most reliable bots to be created. The system is made very carefully and it is very advanced to detect any glitches. We ensure a good experience.

Commands and their usages are as listed below:

Misc commands!

Bugreport - To report a bug found to the developers. Usage: bugreport <Issue>

Ping - To check the bot's latency to the Discord API. Usage: ping

Setprefix - To change the bot's prefix to what you'd like (Under 20 characters and cannot be blank or contain a mention.) Usage: setprefix <prefix>

Privacypolicy - To review the bot's privacy policy. Usage privacypolicy

Tos - To review the bot's terms of service. Usage tos

Cinfo - To view information about a command. Usage cinfo <command name>

Botinfo - To view information about the bot. Usage botinfo

Ticket commands!

New - Open a ticket (If the ticket system is enabled. Usage: new (Ticket subject (optional) )

Enable-ticket - Enables the ticket system for use. Usage: enable-ticket

Disable-ticket - Disables the ticket system for use. Usage: disable-ticket

Close - Closes an open ticket. Usage: close

Set-role - Sets a role that can view an open ticket. Usage: set-role <@(mention role)>

Set-category - Sets a category where tickets are to be created. Usage: set-category <categoryid>

Remove-ticket-role - Removes the role that was set to view the open ticket. Usage: remove-ticket-role <@(mention role)>

Remove-category - Removes the category where tickets were supposed to be created. Usage: remove-category <categoryid>

Setup-panel - Sets up a panel where users can interact with a button to open a ticket instead of running a command. Usage: setup-panel

Utility commands!

Purge - To clear(purge) an amount of messages upto 100. Usage: purge (number less than 101)

Config - To check the server configuration. Usage: config

Createtemplate - Create a template of the server. (Wont work if there is already a template.). Usage: createtemplate

(Slash only) Lock - Locks a channel (Removes sendmessages permission.) Usage: lock <#channel> (optional)

(Slash only) Unlock - Locks a channel (Adds the sendmessages permission.) Usage: unlock <#channel> (optional)

Welcome commands!

Disablewc - To disable the welcome system. Usage: disablewc

Enablewc - To enable the welcome system. Usage: enablewc

Set-welcome-channel - To set the welcome system's channel where it will report new joins. Usage: set-welcome-channel #<channel>

Set-welcome-msg - To set the message the bot will send when someone joins. Usage set-welcome-msg <msg>

Autorole commands!

Disableautorole - To disable the autorole system. Usage: disableautorole

Enableautorole - To enable the autorole system. Usage: enableautorole

Setautorole - To set the role the bot will give to new members. Usage setautorole <@&(roleid)>

Antilink commands!

Disabeal - To disable the antilink system. Usage: disableal

Enableal - To enable the antilink system. Usage: enableal

Verification commands!

Captcha - To get a captcha in order to verify yourself. Usage: captcha

Disable-verification - To disable the verification system Usage: disable-verification

Enable-verification - To enable the verification system Usage: enable-verification

Set-verify-role - To set the role given to verified users. Usage set-verify-role <@&(roleid)>

Verify - To verify yourself. Usage verify <code given from captcha>






  • Interactive buttons
  • Prefix