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Discordlist Pro

You can use Discordlist for free, or upgrade to Pro for the full experience.



Don't let all your hard work go to waste!

By upgrading to Pro, your listing is likely to get 30% more clicks

What's included

Viewed more often

Featured more often on our homepage. Including being shown in the "Premium" filter option.

Profile banner

Customize your profile even further with your own personal banner!

Pro badge

Your personal account including the selected server or bot will receive a badge in the active subscription time.

Custom slug

Your personal account including the selected server or bot will get access to an unique slug.

Premium role on Discord

Show off your support in our Discord server with a special role!

Access to new features

Pro subscribers will be given access to new features before they go public.

Support Discordlist

If you like what Discordlist is doing, there's no better way than to help us by financing the project so we can continue to maintain it.

Frequently asked questions

Can I use this on all my bots?